It is our undoubted pleasure to be able to give you advanced notice via the informative 'Bugle.' of a forthcoming Saturday Evening Jazz Concert at the well - appointed not to mention user friendly Dove Village Hall that once again features one of the leading bands on the 'Jazz Circuit' today. Further details and news are contained in the esteemed 'Bugle,' which is printed in full on the reverse side of this document for your entertainment and information. Once again we have a little bit different Band in May that we are hopeful will provide you with an evening of exceedingly enjoyable entertainment of all that is New Orleans and more besides!
The month of May on the 6th also sees the Coronation of King Charles III along with his Queen Camilla; the first Coronation that Great Britain has seen for almost 70 years no less!
Per the attached flyer details Dove Holes will be Celebrating this Historic Event with many attractions on Sunday the 7th May with a 'Coming Together' of all of the Organisations in the Village at the Village Hall and its surrounding grounds, including the distribution of the Fenton Pottery Fine Porcelain Coronation mugs to all the village youngsters.
A warm invitation is extended to one and all to join with us in marking the occasion from Noon onwards on the day. Needless to say we would be more than pleased to see you there amongst the throng!
Sincere kindest wishes to everyone as usual