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Dedicated to maintaining the tradition of Classic New Orleans Music!!

Dove Jazz Club



Dove Jazz Club concerts on hold


Unfortunately you will not be surprised to hear that we have had no choice but to put our Jazz Performances at the Dove Holes Jazz Club on hold for the foreseeable future due to the unprecedented challenges and uncertainty presented by the spread of the Coronavirus. This decision has been reached after closely following the advice from Public Health England and also from the Government and its Medical Advisors. This means that there will definitely be no Concerts at Dove in April and May of this year.



We expect the days ahead to be testing to say the least and we must all work together to support one another, making a particular effort to help the elderly along with the more vulnerable in our society whilst keeping ourselves as risk free as possible from infection.



There is no doubt that better times will return but understandably no one at present is in a position to say with certainty when this will be. There may possibly be updates to this Bugle but our Jazz Club Social Media Sites will be used when appropriate to keep you up to date with what we know will be light at the end of this dark tunnel.



Look after your good selves.



Sincere best wishes


Dove Jazz Club

March 18th. 2020

jazzaholics revised ad Feb 2020.png

Dove Jazz Club c/o  Roger Marshall, 'Housesteads', Dove Holes, Near Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 8BG

Tel: 01298  814722  E mail:


Website designed and created by Daniel Jones

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