Yet again we are issuing you electronically by means an email with an early warning of your March evening of Quality Jazz and much, much more at the Dove Jazz Club, which as you are all aware takes place in its well-appointed Village Hall. All of the information of course is contained in the attached copy of the all singing and all dancing highly collectable March edition of the 'Bugle.' It gives details of our next Concert that will feature Kevin Grenfell's Continental Band with its acclaimed guest Paul Harrison, the tremendously competent reeds player. If you do live within reasonable striking distance of our venue we will always be pleased to see you filling a chair at one of our live and exciting Concerts.
As we have mentioned previously in the 'Bugle' we are still on with finalising the exact line up for the bands that will feature on the Dove Podium for the second Autumnal half of 2023. Our confirmed dates so far include a Gig by the Chicago Teddy Bears on Saturday the 21st October followed by Christmas Offerings from Jools Aldridge with his star studded 'Jazzaholics' on Saturday the 16th December. Further bulletins will be issued as soon as we have the details to hand! Of course we are also heavily involved in putting together an eye catching Programme for the first few months of 2024.
I must also take this opportunity to make the 'Annual Appeal' for unwanted Christmas Presents and their like to be allowed to feature in a starring role on our Raffle table. I would also wish to offer my sincere thanks to all those 'salt of the earth' supporters who have kindly done their very best to keep the Club supplied with choice prizes over the past twelve months. Your support of the Club is very much appreciated by all concerned.
Please be careful how you go and 'Mind the Trams.'