Greetings to our goodly ‘Jazzers’
Well our long anticipated ‘Weekend Jazz Double Headers’ are almost upon us and we trust that you will be able to be present for at least one if not both of these two exceptionally special Concerts if you are within reasonable striking distance. They will feature two amazing bands, both of whom are at the very top of our ‘jazz tree.’ In spite of the increased cost of procuring these ‘cream of the cream’ Bands for your delectation we have kept the entrance fee to its usual £10.00 plus a warm invitation to join in the excitement of the ‘Raffle.’ We feel that our greatly appreciated supporters deserve a little treat now and again as a reward for their faithful support for over thirty years now. If you could persuade the odd friend, neighbour or relative to accompany you on your journey to the ‘Centre of the Universe’ it would be very much appreciated to say the least.
Our recent attendances have been a little bit on the low side, particularly when you consider the calibre of the Bands and Musicians that have trod the Dove boards in recent months! We trust that with the better weather and lighter nights the attendance figures will manage to show an upward trend. We would be grateful if you could do your best to turn the tide and head the graph in an upwards curve. We like to think that we only have quality, entertaining Bands and Musicians booked to appear on the Dove stage along with the fact that we offer real value for money jazz music in a comfortable, warm and cosy environment.
In addition to the two top draw bands of course we will have a barrel of `really special Indian Pale Ale. Jaipur is a premium beer with a specific gravity of 5.9% that is at the very top of its range. In spite of its enviable credentials it will be sold at your Club’s usual value for money rate of £4.00 per pint. Dip your bread whilst it is available as we have only one nine gallon barrel on offer and once it’s gone it’s gone! A statement that you see widely displayed in retail outlets and advertisements.
There is much to look forward to so please do try and grab your good self a bit of the action.
Best wishes