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  • Writer's pictureDove Jazz Club

Eagle Bugle June 2024

It is good to be contacting you again with an update on the happenings. Our venture into the World of Ladies Fashion on Tuesday 14 th May proved to be very interesting and was certainly a success financially; boosting our Jazz Club funds to the tune of £290.00. It was a foray which we could well be repeating  again in the future. All of those present certainly appeared to enjoy themselves and the providers of our Spectacular, S O S from Nottingham, were a most competent  outfit and certainly knew what they were doing. Our grateful thanks go to the Village Hall for the venue and its helpful staff, all of the eye catching models, Joyce and Pat for ensuring that all was right on the night as well as in the run up to the   show, S O S our mentors, not forgetting all the many people who turned up to lend their support on the night and purchased cloths along with raffle tickets with such gay abandonment. I was very relieved to receive the call three days later informing me that I was being stood down and that I could now take the Brassiere off.  They are so difficult to sleep in I found !

Our Joint Theatre Show 'The Lonnie Donegan Story', now in its second year, is a partnership with the Dove Village Hall Folk on the Saturday 20 th July,  aims to raise funds for both of our organisations. It stars the acclaimed Warren James on banjo, guitar and vocals – playing alongside New Orleans drumming legend, Baby Jools, West End musical bassist, Jim Swinnerton and a very special guest Phil Shotton on reeds with his round, warm, tenor sound. Lonnie Donegan was the man who launched The Beatles and The British Invasion. As the Beatle George Harrison stated 'No Lonnie Donegan, No Beatles, it's  that simple.' This show features many of Lonnie's over 30 chart entries in 4 years, plus the majority of his classic Skiffle hits. You just cannot afford to miss this fantastic, professional production staged in your very own Village Hall. It starts at 8.00pm finishes at around 10.30pm with a half hour break. Tickets are reasonably priced at £10.00 each for a comfortable, cosy seat in a well-appointed venue !

We will be having our annual month's break in August and will return with live jazz on Saturday the 14 th September for the start of our Autumn Programme which opens with  the lively Sarah Spencer's Transatlantic Band on the Dove Podium for  our delectation.

Make the best of your August break. 'Mind the Trams' and joyful jazzing !!


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