It was great that we managed to get the Club off to a Start that had a salubrious satisfaction about it, being our first production for 18 months. I think that all of those who were present for this rather special Gathering shared our excitement with the dawning of a new chapter in the life of the Dove Jazz Club.
We know that we can rely upon your support to keep the drawbridge raised and give a warm welcome to old friends, bands and musicians alongside a smattering of talented newcomers who will be embracing the 'Famed Dove Podium' for the first time. We are always very much aware that without your attendance there would be no Club.
We are delighted to be enclosing details of our next offering which sees the long awaited return of Doctor Butler's Hatstand Medicine Band whose chemistry was greatly appreciated the last time they graced our Village Hall. We trust that you will find their medicine just what the Doctor ordered. If you could have the correct money available to gain entry it would be most appreciated.