We are delighted to report that the Dovejazz Bugle is blowing again at last after a period of some 18 months! There were odd occasions during these dark days when as far as live jazz was concerned even the most optimistic of us did wonder if we would ever see a glimpse of a light towards the end of the long and dark tunnel of Covid19 . We do now appear to be moving in the right direction at last and hopefully there will be no hiccups along the way to futher dampen our spirits.
We trust that you will enjoy this edition and we look forward to publishing another one before our September opening on the 25th. Please do your utmost to generously assist live jazz whenever you can - it does not need me to tell you that our musicians require and deserve all the support that they can get after an extremely barren period monetarily !
If you live within travelling distance we are greatly looking forward to welcoming you at one of our Autumn productions where we can come together to appreciate what we have been missing for far too long a time.