It was pleasing to see a few more happy souls, 68 in total by the way, seated in the Hall for the Concert by the First Class Sarah Spencer's Transatlantic Band. In an ideal world we really could do with an average attendance of around 80 goodly folk to completely remove the bother factor from staging our Productions as well as to safeguard our continued operations and future. Of course the greater the flow through the Village Hall's Portals the greater the often life-saving monetary contents of the Raffle Pot! You do not have to have a brain the size of Einstein's to work that one out; even I am able to understand the basic thoughts behind it. It will be most interesting to see how our proposed Sunday afternoon Concerts are received and attended in the New Year? Watch this space as they say in the Press Baron's Periodicals, for further news and information. I have a tremendous confidence that Sunday Afternoons could well be the Club's Salvation and Hallelujah!
Please continue to support Jazz Music in your locality whenever you can and make a real effort to bring someone along with you on your visits to the Centre of the Universe in good old Dove. You never know they might even be so pleased with offerings that they are able to enjoy at Dove that they might purchase a Pint and a Pork Pie as a thank you to their introduction to our Club! The other side of the coin of course is that they might stop speaking to you altogether! You will have to take your chances.
Just in passing I am now able to reveal to you the exciting news that Dove's much esteemed First Eleven Cricket Team has just secured the winning of the First Division of the Prestigious Derbyshire and Cheshire Cricket League after a period of 54 years in the wilderness ! Two Players from our team have also topped the League's Batting and Bowling Averages this Season. It is certainly worth noting that we are the only Club in the League's First Division who does not have a 'Professional' (a Paid Player) in our Team. Or as I prefer to put it 'you won't hear any foreign accents in the Dove Dressing Room only Derbyshire ones!' The end of Season Celebratory Party the other Saturday was certainly a most enjoyable and 'Raucous Rumbustious' affair to say the least.
I had TWO cups of Cocoa before I went to bed the other night to celebrate the Club's phenomenal success - long may it continue I say!
Wondrous regards and best wishes to you all from a happy Roger
